
First Nations Summit Resolution

A recent resolution approved by the First Nations Summit Chiefs in Assembly expresses support for VisitAble Housing in First Nations communities across BC.

The resolution conveys support for CCDS’ project partner, the British Columbia Aboriginal Network on Disability Society’s work with the VisitAble Housing Canada project in First Nations communities across BC, and also expresses commitment from First […]

Guidelines for VisitAble Housing Measurements

The Project Team in consultation with key stakeholders from our task forces, has development the document “Guidelines for VisitAble Housing Measurements”, which has recommendations for those seeking information about measurements for VisitAble Housing. To access the document, please click on the following link: http://visitablehousingcanada.com/guidelines-visitable-housing-measurements/

Awards of Excellence in VisitAble Housing

We are pleased to announce the winners of the Awards of Excellence in VisitAble Housing. For the list of winners and photos of each project, please click on the following link:


New Photo Gallery!

Our photo gallery showcases examples of homes with VisitAble features. To see the gallery, click on the following link: http://visitablehousingcanada.com/photo-gallery/

VisitAbility Project Task Forces’ Work

Are you curious about what the project task forces have been working on? Our Task Forces page has lots of information about what our task forces have been working on and resources they have developed: http://visitablehousingcanada.com/visitability-project/task-forces/

VisitAbility Project in Abilities Magazine

The following article on the VisitAbility Project appeared in the Winter 2014 edition of Abilities Magazine: VisitAbility Article – Abilities Winter 2014