Information about the Richmond Task Force can be found on the following link:
The Richmond VisitAbility Task Force meets every 2 months. Their current activities include: sharing information, gathering resources and materials, and developing strategies to promote VisitAble housing in Richmond, BC.
The key activities that the Richmond VisitAbility Task Force is working on include:
- Giving presentations to builders and developers about VisitAble Housing.
- Identifying exemplary VisitAble homes built in Richmond.
- Conducting surveys with home builders, with special focus on their concerns and resistance toward VisitAble Housing and its implementation.
- Researching professional training and certification in VisitAble Housing.
- Hosting an Access Awareness Forum.
- Developing an Access Awareness Tool Kit.
- Researching existing municipal policies, which may have relevant to VisitAble Housing, such as re-zoning bylaws and policy incentives.